March News

The Franklin & Friends One Act Play Festival 2020 is postponed indefinitely.
It is with great regret that we have to inform you that due to the current COVID-19 pandemic facing the globe, as well as the President of South Africa declaring a state of national disaster, the Franklin Players One Act Play Festival has been postponed indefinitely.
The President has prohibited any public gatherings of more than 100 people and even though measures were already in place to ensure the safety and hygiene of those attending, we cannot and will not risk the lives of our valued patrons.
The event is postponed up until such a time deemed safe by the Government. We apologise profusely and would like to thank everyone for showing their interest and support toward our Community Theatre Group and events.
We would also like to thank all our participants of the Festival; actors, directors, backstage and tech crews, adjudicators, our external sister societies, the management of Roosevelt Park Recreation Centre, our esteemed Ward Councillor David Hensman and, last but not least, you – our patrons for your continued support over the many years.
The Franklin Players will continue to communicate with you regarding updates and events we could possibly be providing online for your entertainment. Please ensure that you have subscribed to our newsletter and follow our social media platforms to stay up to date on any new developments.
Sending hope and light in this time of stress. Let us all be safe, stay healthy and be responsible by looking out for one another.


Auditions on hold

Please note that all auditions are cancelled until further notice.


Work on your acting

Here are some ideas for how you can work on your acting from home…
#1 Read more plays – we all know reading is important, but we seldom get the time to do so. Enter stage left COVID-19. Now is your chance! Give yourself an achievable goal, whether that’s one a week or one a fortnight, just do it!
#2 Catch up on some great old time movies and TV – this is the best homework ever given! Get some popcorn and get watching. But challenge yourself to watch something you normally would not watch. Some of the performances are like obtaining masterclasses in performance art. Watch out for our recommendations.
#3 Keep working on a scene or monologue every 2 – 3 weeks – the greatest misconception out there is that you cannot work on your acting alone. This simply isn’t true. Grab a great scene or monologue and work on it. Grab your phone or camera and put it down. Share it with a friend or with us.
#4 Understand your industry and more specifically community theatre – I am always amazed how little is known about community theatre. Spend this down time researching community theatre in South Africa or read our upcoming posts about the trials, tribulations and triumphs of your own community theatre group.
#5 Refine your accents – in the modern acting world few have solid accents under their belt and let us be honest, there is nothing worse when an actor drops his or her accent half-way through a play. Major standard accents often needed are the so-called standard or general American, Southern American, the Queens English, middle class British accent, Scottish, Irish and then we have our own juicy Capetonian accents. The sky is really the limit when it comes to accents. Use this time to really refine your accents. Throw a wee bit of Scottish in there and let us help you where we can.
#6 Work on your voice and body – you are your instrument! Do your 5 – 10 minute voice and/or movement warm up. Consistency is the key to refinement. Work on your projection a little every day and come out swinging when the COVID-19 ban is raised.
#7 Stay active – people often underestimate the physical demands of being an actor. In community theatre working a normal day and then hitting rehearsals 3 times a week, with Sundays often being full rehearsal days, it can get tough and demanding. Being healthy and active as a human being also benefits you as an actor. Take that vitamin C and do the walking – even if it is in your own garden.
#8 Meditate – meditation is one of the best ways to get out of your head and into the moment. 10 – 15 minutes a day is enough. It truly can help those battling with stage fright. So watch out for our recommendations and techniques. A clear headspace is always useful in times of severe stress, helping to strengthen that immune system.

Adapted from



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