March News

News from the rec centre

Although rumours are true that Roosevelt Park Recreation Centre is open, we are as yet not allowed any visitors or spectators. This makes live performances rather difficult and with news of a possible ‘third wave’ hitting South Africa, there is no definite answer on whether the rec centre will indeed remain open for business.

As such the committee has decided all activities remain closed until after the Easter holidays, after which we will decide on whether or not to resume our theatrical activities within boundaries set. We will keep you up to-date regarding any new developments.

We hope that you are staying safe and healthy.
Our thanks for your continued support!
Els De Bundel
The Franklin Players Community Theatre


Did you know?


  • The character of Elphaba in ‘Wicked’ was named after the author of ‘The Wizard of Oz’, L. Frank Baum.
  • Walt Disney World, Florida, has a world record of 1.2 million costumes in its theatrical wardrobe.
  • Ancient Greek audiences stamped their feet rather than clapping their hands to applaud.




A day in history


Saturday 27 March was World Theatre Day, a day centred around the celebration of the extraordinary form of entertainment that is theatre. It is about paying tribute to the thousands of players who have adorned countless stages across the globe over hundreds of years. For centuries, theatre has brought people closer together and provided people with the ability to explore different perspectives. Theatre advocates for the celebration of diverse voices and provides platforms upon which people can explore their deeply intimate selves.

World Theatre Day was initiated in 1961 by the International Theatre Institute (ITI). Each year, on this day, the institute hosts a message to be spoken by a chosen famous theatre performer, to share their reflections on the art of theatre and the future thereof. The first message was spoken by Jean Cocteau in 1962 and was translated into over 50 languages. According to the ITI the goal of this holiday is to promote theatre in all corners of the world, bring awareness to the value of theatre in all its forms, to help promote local theatre communities on a broader scale, and to share the love of theatre with others.


Current shows on circuit

  • National Children’s Theatre is showing Sergei Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf from 07 March to 18 April 2021.
  • The South African State Theatre will be presenting Nijinsky’s War on Friday, 02 April 2021 (19:30) and Saturday, 03 April 2021 (18:00). Tickets: R120.
  • Jam session with Janice Honeyman, Wednesday, 07 April 2021 (18:00-19:30 SAST). Zoom.
  • Ballet and Beyond, presented by Joburg Ballet on Friday, 09 April (15:00 and 19:30); Saturday, 10 April (11:00 and 15:00); Sunday, 11 April (11:00 and 15:00) at the Joburg Theatre.


Happy birthday!

Happy birthday to our February and March bunnies, belated and still coming.


News from other societies


Protea will be holding a musical showcase in May 2021. More news regarding date and venue to follow.


EADS is putting on a Tea Time Interlude next month, details below…



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